July 2024 🌞 - CoffeePals Product Updates

Chris Carnduff
Updated on:
July 16, 2024

Hey CoffeePals Community,

Since we've launched CoffeePals V2, we've been working on some new features to improve the CoffeePals experience!

🔄 Rematching

We understand that sometimes your match might not be available to connect. Whether they’re not responding, on vacation, on maternity leave, or simply too busy, you now have the ability to request a new match. Simply click the … button on the match card to request a new match for the current cycle. This ensures you always have an active connection to engage with.

⚙️ Settings Tab

Managing your CoffeePals settings has never been easier. Within Microsoft Teams, you can now access the Settings Tab at the top of your personal chat with CoffeePals. Here, you can view all of your past matches, make changes to your personal settings, and see the programs you’re participating in. This seamless integration means you don’t have to leave Teams to manage your settings, making your experience smoother and more efficient.

We’re thrilled to bring these updates to you and can’t wait to hear your feedback. Dive in, explore the new features, and continue to build those meaningful connections.

Stay caffeinated and connected!


Chris + the CoffeePals Team

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